Interpreting the Scriptures


Title: Interpreting the Scriptures
Sub-Title: A Textbook On How To Interpret The Bible
Author: Kevin J. Conner, Ken Malmin
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 21 May 2007
Pages: 165
Publisher: City Christian Publishing
ISBN: 9780914936206

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Interpreting the Scriptures introduces the reader to the science of hermeneutics by listing qualifications of an interpreter, the methods of interpreting, and a brief history of interpreting. The authors explore seventeen basic principles for interpreting any passage of Scripture. Any student of the Word will find this book to be a very helpful guide in his studies as well as a veritable gold mine of truth.


An Introduction to Hermeneutics
The Qualifications of an Interpreter
The Methods of Interpretation
A Brief History of Hermeneutics
The Foundations for Interpretation
The Context Principle
The First Mention Principle
The Comparative Mention Principle
The Progressive Mention Principle
The Compete Mention Principle
The Election Principle
The Covenantal Principle
The Ethnic Division Principle
The Chronometrical Principle
The Dispensations Redefined
The Breach Principle
The Christo-Centric Principle
The Moral Principle
The Symbolic Principle
The Numerical Principle
They Typical Principle
The Parabolic Principle
The Allegorical Principle
The Interpretation of Prophecy

About the Author

Kevin J. Conner was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1927. Converted at the age of fourteen, he served the Lord in the Salvation Army until the ages of twenty-one, when he entered into pastoral ministry with a full gospel church. For the next twenty years his ministry involved teaching at conventions and Bible colleges in Australia and New Zealand. In 1972 he moved with his family to Portland, Oregon, where he served at Portland Bible College and Bible Temple until 1981. He now resides in Melbourne, where he is continuing his ministry of teaching and writing.

Kevin passed away peacefully on the 18th February 2019 at age 92.

Ken Malmin is the Dean of Portland Bible College in Portland, Oregon, where he also serves as an elder at City Bible Church, a large growing church that is having a powerful impact on the entire Christian community. Ken has been teaching since 1971 and is noted for his wisdom and deep understanding of the Word of God. Ken has authored several books that are used in Bible Colleges and leadership training programs around the world. He has a burning desire to see the principles of Christ’s teaching at work in the Church today.

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Weight 0.43 kg
Dimensions 20.8 × 28.0 × 1.53 cm


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