Paul and the Faithfulness of God


Title: Paul and the Faithfulness of God
Sub-Title: Christian Origins and the Question of God: Volume 4
Author: N. T. Wright
Format: Paperback
Pages: 1700
Publication Date: November 2013
Publisher: Fortress Press
ISBN: 9780800626839

List price in Singapore Dollars; Singapore GST included.

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This text is printed in two book sections:

  • First book comprises Parts I and II and frontmatter
  • Second book has Parts III and IV plus bibliography and indices

This highly anticipated two-book fourth volume in N. T. Wright’s magisterial series, Christian Origins and the Question of God, is destined to become the standard reference point on the subject for all serious students of the Bible and theology. The mature summation of a lifetime’s study, this landmark book pays a rich tribute to the breadth and depth of the apostle’s vision, and offers an unparalleled wealth of detailed insights into his life, times, and enduring impact.

Wright carefully explores the whole context of Paul’s thought and activity—Jewish, Greek and Roman, cultural, philosophical, religious, and imperial—and shows how the apostle’s worldview and theology enabled him to engage with the many-sided complexities of first-century life that his churches were facing. Wright also provides close and illuminating readings of the letters and other primary sources, along with critical insights into the major twists and turns of exegetical and theological debate in the vast secondary literature. The result is a rounded and profoundly compelling account of the man who became the world’s first, and greatest, Christian theologian.

About the Author

N. T. Wright is the former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England and one of the world’s leading Bible scholars. The author of over seventy books ranging from scholarly studies to books for a more popular audience, Wright’s audiences range from viewers of ABC News and The Colbert Report to attendees of various scholarly and ministry conferences, such as the Society of Biblical Literature and Duke Divinity School Pastor’s Conference, and numerous other speaking and teaching engagements.

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Weight 2.3 kg
Dimensions 15.5 × 23.6 × 8.6 cm


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