Destroying Fear : Strategies to Overthrow the Enemy’s Tactics and Walk in Total Freedom


Title: Destroying Fear
Sub-Title: Strategies to Overthrow the Enemy’s Tactics and Walk in Total Freedom
Author: John Ramirez
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 01 October 2019
Pages: 224
Imprint: Chosen
Publisher: Baker Publishing
ISBN: 9780800799472

List price in Singapore Dollars; Singapore GST included.

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Abort the enemy’s mission and destroy fear!

The enemy of our soul, the devil, a spiritual pharaoh, the master of fear–the Bible says he comes to kill, steal and destroy. He is an identity thief operating in his number one weapon: fear. He tries to steal our purpose, our destiny and God’s best in our lives. It is time to fight back and destroy fear once and for all.

John Ramirez is a former satanic general from the kingdom of darkness who lived in the mind of the enemy for 25 years and who knows the patterns and cycles of the evil one. It is time to give the devil an eviction notice and kick the spirit of fear out of your life.

Through this powerful book, you will access the spiritual warfare arsenal to face fear head on. Not only will you uproot and dismantle it, but you will destroy it in the name of Jesus Christ. It is time to be armed and dangerous–a spiritual sniper against the number one weapon that the enemy uses: fear.

“Not only can you be set free from fear, but you can even put Satan under your feet! Get inspired. Get equipped. Get going!”–James W. Goll, founder, God Encounters Ministries and GOLL Ideation Music

About the Author

John Ramirez is an internationally known evangelist, author and highly sought-out speaker who teaches believers around the globe how to defeat the enemy. He has shared his powerful testimony–of being miraculously saved as a high-ranking satanic priest–on It’s Supernatural!, The 700 Club, TBN, Daystar and more. Learn more at

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Weight 0.27 kg
Dimensions 14 × 21.6 × 2.3 cm


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