Discover Your Spiritual Gifts


Title: Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
Sub-Title: The Easy-to-Use Guide That Helps You Identify and Understand Your Unique God-Given Spiritual Gifts
Author: C. Peter Wagner
Format: Paperback
Edition: Repackaged Edition
Publication Date: 20 June 2017
Pages: 160
Imprint: Chosen
Publisher: Baker Publishing
ISBN: 9780800798352

List price in Singapore Dollars; Singapore GST included.

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Discover and Learn How to Use the Unique Gifts God Has Given You!

God has a purpose and plan for each of us–and He has given us the gifts and tools we need to fulfill them. But how do you know which gifts He has set aside specifically for you? And how can you use those to further the Kingdom?

For almost four decades, this trusted spiritual gifts resource has been helping believers across denominations discover life-changing answers to these and other questions. By using the included questionnaire, you’ll be able to see which of the 28 biblical gifts you have. This book will then help you understand what each gift means and how it works; show you biblical and modern-day examples of others who share those gifts; and reveal simple, practical ways you can use yours to better serve God and others.

Perfect for individual or group use, this edition also contains a Bible study for those who want to dig deeper into what the Scriptures say about each gift.

When you know and understand the gifts God has given you, you will discover a renewed sense of purpose and excitement as you partner with Him and bless others.

Includes a comprehensive, easy-to-use questionnaire!

About the Author

C. Peter Wagner (1930-2016), Ph.D., authored more than 70 books, founded Wagner Leadership Institute and ministered regularly all over the world. With graduate degrees in theology, missiology and religion from Fuller Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary and the University of Southern California, he served as a field missionary for 16 years and taught on the faculty of Fuller’s School of Intercultural Studies for 30 years.

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Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 14.0 × 21.3 × 1.1 cm


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