Glory on Your House


Title: Glory on Your House
Sub-Title: Welcoming God’s Radiant Presence in Your Home and Church
Author: Jack Hayford
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 01 February 1995
Pages: 288
Imprint: Chosen
Publisher: Baker Publishing
ISBN: 9780800792183

List price in Singapore Dollars; Singapore GST included.

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For Christians who long to have their lackluster lives transformed by the radiance of the Lord, Jack Hayford offers guidelines for manifesting God’s glory within our families . . . at the workplace . . . even in our cars. Expanding on the principles first set forth in The Church on the Way, Hayford explains how we can reflect God’s glory.

About the Author

Jack Hayford is founding pastor and pastor emeritus of The Church On The Way and chancellor emeritus of The King’s University (formerly The King’s College and Seminary), which he founded in 1997. From 2004 to 2009, he also served as president of The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. He has written more than 60 books and nearly 600 hymns and choruses. His national radio and television programs span the world. He lives near Los Angeles, California.

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Weight 0.41 kg
Dimensions 14 × 21.6 × 1.95 cm


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