Gospel Allegiance


Title: Gospel Allegiance
Sub-Title: What Faith in Jesus Misses for Salvation in Christ
Author: Matthew W. Bates
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 17 September 2019
Pages: 272
Imprint: Brazos Press
Publisher: Baker Publishing
ISBN: 9781587434297

List price in Singapore Dollars; Singapore GST included.

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Is faith in Jesus enough for salvation? Perhaps, says Matthew Bates, but we’re missing pieces of the gospel. The biblical gospel can never change. Yet our understanding of the gospel must change. The church needs an allegiance shift.

Popular pastoral resources on the gospel are causing widespread confusion. Bates shows that the biblical gospel is different, fuller, and more beautiful than we have been led to believe. He explains that saving faith doesn’t come through trust in Jesus’s death on the cross alone but through allegiance to Christ the king. There is only one true gospel and one required response: allegiance.

Bates ignited conversation with his successful and influential book Salvation by Allegiance Alone. Here he goes deeper while making his acclaimed teaching on salvation more accessible and experiential for believers who want to better understand and share the gospel. Gospel Allegiance includes a guide for further conversation, making it ideal for church groups, pastors, leaders, and students.


Part 1: Discovering Gospel Allegiance
1. Getting the Gospel Right
2. Not Faith but Allegiance
3. The Full Gospel of the King
Bridge: Gospel Clarified–Gospel Mobilized
Part 2: Advancing Gospel Allegiance
4. Grace in Six Dimensions
5. Faith Is Body Out
6. How Works Are Saving
7. Taking the Allegiance Challenge
Appendix 1: Gospel-Allegiance Summary Chart
Appendix 2: Guide for Further Conversation

About the Author

Matthew W. Bates (PhD, University of Notre Dame) is associate professor of theology at Quincy University in Quincy, Illinois. He is the author of Salvation by Allegiance Alone, named the Jesus Creed 2017 Book of the Year and one of the Best Books of 2017 by Englewood Review of Books. He has also written The Birth of the Trinity and The Hermeneutics of the Apostolic Proclamation. Bates is cofounder and cohost of the popular OnScript podcast.

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