Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker


Title: Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker
Author: Bill Hull
Format: Paperback
Edition: 20th Anniversary Edition
Publication Date: 01 February 2004
Pages: 256
Imprint: Baker Books
Publisher: Baker Publishing
ISBN: 9780801091698

List price in Singapore Dollars; Singapore GST included.

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When Jesus called his disciples he embraced fishermen and tax collectors and turned them into some of the most influential men to ever live. Can modern church leaders empower regular people to meet their potential as servants of God?

The standard resource in disciplemaking for over twenty years, Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker outlines Christ’s methods in training his twelve disciples and presents a biblical pattern that emulates Christ’s model for reaching the lost. This updated edition includes new insights from the author’s twenty years of helping churches make disciples from ordinary church members.

“This book deserves attention by anyone serious about making Christian disciples.”-Robert Coleman, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

“I have used this book to return over 1,000 U.S. churches to their disciple-making roots. Next to the Bible, Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker contains the most important concepts ever written to equip local churches to effectively make disciples.”-Bob Gilliam, president, T-Net International

“Bill Hull challenges our notions of who makes disciples, how long it takes, the learning process, and the end result. This book wonderfully shows how open and loving relationships were at the core of Jesus’ own disciplemaking while he walked this earth, and how they are still key as he makes disciples today.”-Alan Andrews, president, U.S. Navigators

About the Author

Bill Hull is a writer and discipleship evangelist as well as the founder of T-Net International, a ministry devoted to transforming churches into disciple-making churches. He has spent more than twenty years as a pastor and is the author of several books, including Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker and Choose the Life. He and his wife, Jane, live in California.

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Weight 0.37 kg
Dimensions 14.0 × 21.6 × 2.3 cm


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