Not Afraid of the Antichrist : Why We Don’t Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture


Title: Not Afraid of the Antichrist
Sub-Title: Why We Don’t Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture
Author: Michael L. Brown, Craig S. Keener
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 19 March 2019
Pages: 240
Imprint: Chosen
Publisher: Baker Publishing
ISBN: 9780800799168

List price in Singapore Dollars; Singapore GST included.

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What if everybody was left behind?

Despite the popular belief that Christians will be raptured before the start of the Tribulation, Scripture paints a very different picture. Nowhere does the Bible promise that believers will escape the revelation of the Antichrist and his war on the saints. In fact, God tells His people to expect tribulation–and to persevere through it.

In this eye-opening text, acclaimed scholars and authors Michael Brown and Craig Keener offer encouragement and hope for the approaching dark times. Together they walk you through an intensive study of Bible passages, helping you gain a better understanding of what the future holds. Through it all, there is no need to fear; God has a plan. He will not abandon His people in the terrible days ahead.

Take comfort in the words of Jesus: He has overcome the world. Even in the midst of great sorrows on the earth, we live in Jesus’ victory until He returns at the end of the age.

“Filled with hard-hitting, thought-provoking information on what the Bible says about the end times, this book will challenge and encourage you to understand what the future holds for believers.”–MIKE BICKLE, founder, International House of Prayer

About the Authors

Michael L. Brown (Ph.D., New York University) is the founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry in Concord, North Carolina, and has served as a visiting or adjunct professor at seven seminaries. He is host of the nationally syndicated daily talk radio and TV show The Line of Fire and has written more than 30 books. Learn more at

Craig S. Keener (Ph.D., Duke University) is F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is the bestselling author of 24 books. Craig and his wife, Médine, live near Wilmore, Kentucky. Learn more at

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Weight 0.29 kg
Dimensions 14 × 21.6 × 1.8 cm


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