Paul : A Biography


Title: Paul: A Biography
Author: Tom Wright
Format: Paperback
Pages: 480
Publication Date: February 2018
Publisher: SPCK Publishing
ISBN: 9780281078769

List price in Singapore Dollars; Singapore GST included.

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This compelling reconstruction of the life and thought of St Paul paints a vivid picture of the Roman world in which he preached his revolutionary message. It explains the significance of Paul’s lasting impact on both the Church and the world.

Elegantly written by arguably the most influential Pauline scholar in the world today – Paul a Biography is Tom Wright at his very best.

This gripping historical life story will appeal to both believers and historians, painting a picture that provides insight and new understanding of both the man Paul and the world in which he lived.

About the Author

Tom Wright is Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St Andrews and a world expert on the life and thought of St Paul. His recent books include Spiritual and Religious, The Day the Revolution Began, God in Public, Paul and the Faithfulness of God, Paul and His Recent Interpreters and The Paul Debate (all published by SPCK).

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Additional information

Weight 0.62 kg
Dimensions 13.8 × 21.6 × 3.7 cm


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