Poiēma, God’s Workmanship


Title: Poiēma, God’s Workmanship
Sub-Title: Exploring the Faith, Hope & Love of God’s Masterpiece
Author: Samuel Tai
Format: Paperback
Pages: 742
Publication Date: 31 March 2018
Imprint: Masterbuilder
Publisher: Ekklesia Renaissant Consulting.Com
ISBN: 9789811160325

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Exploring the Faith, Hope & Love of God’s Masterpiece

A masterpiece displays the mastery of the Master.

What do you define to be a masterpiece? Is it the statue of David sculpted by Michelangelo? Or Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci? Or Canon in D Major composed by Johann Pachelbel? Or Sagrada Familia designed by Antoni Gaudi? Or yourself being crafted by God in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ?

“He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)

In Poiēma, God’s Workmanship, we will:

  • See what God sees as His perfect masterpiece according to His eternal purpose in Christ Jesus.
  • Discover the Master’s workmanship on vessels of honour that He has foreordained for every good work.
  • Explore God’s signature on the living stones of His spiritual house; His image on the bride of Christ; His seal on the stewards of His Kingdom; and His imprint on the nations of the world.

Poiēma, God’s Workmanship is written to:

  • Examine the crowning glory of true faith in God, hope in Christ, and love in the Spirit according to God’s eternal purpose which He has revealed through His Word (1 Corinthians 13:13; Ephesians 3:9-11);
  • Provide a starter resource on the “elementary principles of the oracles of God” for making disciples of Christ and maturing sons of God (Hebrews 5:11-6:3);
  • Improve the theological literacy of saints and deepen the roots of their faith, so that they will not be “tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming” in the last days (Ephesians 4:14);
  • Help churches “attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13);
  • Bring to light the “administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth” (Ephesians 1:9-10).

Poiēma, God’s Workmanship is written for:

  • Christians seeking to understand more about their God and their faith in Christ;
  • Bible study groups seeking a robust bible study material for their facilitated group discussions;
  • Churches seeking to lay their foundations on the cornerstone of theological unity;
  • Bible colleges seeking a supplementary reader for their students.

Poiēma, God’s Workmanship will inspire us to reach for higher heights and deeper depths in Christ, and become the masterpiece of God.

Poiēma, God’s Workmanship is available in both paperback and e-book formats.


“POIÊMA, GOD’S WORKMANSHIP is a masterpiece of Christian Theology – like no other Christian book I have ever read! It is very inspiring for me; it strengthens my faith and helps me very much in my Christian life! – I read it every night and has become like a ‘second Bible’ for me.” — Siegfried Kaeselitz

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1. In the Beginning was the Word
○ The Language of God
○ Deception of the Serpent
○ The Importance of Theology and Doctrines
○ The New Body
○ Dissonance of the Body
○ Unity of Christ and Oneness with the Father
○ Dimensions of Truth
○ Same Mind and Same Judgment
○ Another Jesus, Different Spirit, Different Gospel
○ Apostolic Truth and Accuracy
○ The Glory of God and the Glory of Kings
○ Denominational Dissonance
○ Types of Denominational Dissonance
○ Reconciling Dissonances
○ Ancient Paths

2. The Word was God
○ Elementary Principles of the Oracles of God
○ Eternal and Temporal; Heavenly and Earthly
○ The Foundation of the World
○ The Transcendent God
○ The Begotten God
○ The Word Became Flesh
○ The Word of God
○ The Creative and Life-Sustaining Word
○ The Testimony of Jesus
○ Let the Word Become Flesh

3. Let Us Make Man in Our Image
○ Man Became a Living Being
○ The Lamp of God
○ The Dimensions of Human Life

4. Everything Begins with God
○ Eternal Unfolding of Temporal History
○ God is at Work
○ Thy Will be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven
○ Foreknowledge, Predestination, Election
○ He Has Chosen Us

5. Faith, Grace, and Baptism
○ Faith and Works of Faith
○ Authoring Faith
○ Fruit of Faith
○ Sanctification of Faith
○ Saved Through Faith
○ Grace and Grace
○ Baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit
○ Partnership with the Spirit of Jesus and the Holy Spirit

6. Sin and Redemption of the World
○ Justification of the Elect and Redemption from Sin
○ Setting Apart from Sin and Perversity
○ The Book of Life
○ Saving the Whole World
○ The Patience of God
○ The Day and Hour of Christ’s Return
○ Free-Will of Man and Sovereignty of God
○ Grace in Election

7. The Love of God
○ Seven Dimensions of Love
○ Does God Hate?
○ The Basis of “Agapē” Love
○ Sufferings in the World

8. Security of Our Election
○ Security of Election
○ Losing an Election
○ Temporal Elections
○ Our Response to Election
○ Our Response to Evangelism
○ Books of Remembrance
○ The Narrow Gate

9. The Author and Perfecter of Faith
○ Our Perfect Faith is His Perfect Workmanship
○ The Perfecting Process
○ We Shall Be Like Him
○ Cease Striving with the Perfecter

10. The Israel of God
○ Covenants of God
○ The Main Covenant
○ Supplementary Covenants
○ Covenant of Moses
○ The New Covenant
○ The Order of Melchizedek
○ The Culture of the New Covenant
○ Jacob and Israel
○ The Epicentre of God’s Redemptive Plan
○ The Latter Glory of the House

11. What Jesus is Waiting For
○ The Times of the Gentiles
○ The Fullness of the Gentiles
○ Two Witnesses and Transfiguration of the Church
○ Grafted into the Vine Again
○ All Israel will be Saved
○ Take No Rest Until…

12. Kingdom of God and Church of the Firstborn
○ Kingdom Mandate on Earth
○ The Domains of the Kingdom of God
○ From Children of the House to Sons of the Kingdom
○ The Nature of the Kingdom of God
○ Can these Bones Live?
○ Blow a Trumpet in Zion
○ Want to See More and See Well?

13. The Church in the Marketplace and Nations
○ Church Members in the Marketplace
○ The Course of this World
○ The God of this World
○ The Great City
○ The Foundation of the Great City
○ Where the Means of Exchange is The Great Exchange
○ The Power of One
○ Contact without Contamination
○ Mighty Men
○ The Woman Jezebel
○ Come out of Her, My People
○ Man of War, Prince of Peace

14. The Hope of Glory
○ It is Finished!
○ What is Lacking of Christ’s Afflictions
○ Finished and Finishing

About the Author

Samuel Tai is a strategic thought leader and master builder by the grace of God. Throughout thirty years of ministry, his passion is to preach the unfathomable riches of Christ, build the body of Christ, and prepare a Kingdom-administration suitable for the consummation of all things in Christ.

Samuel is the founder of Ekklesia Renaissant Consulting.Com, a social entrepreneurship and community outreach ministry, whose mission is to provide strategic leadership, holistic consultancy, and institutional expertise to champion socioeconomic change, thereby enabling the societies to have the organic regenerative capacity to endure for the common good.

Samuel is the founder of Finishing School for SAINT, a school of ministry dedicated to teaching the gospel of the Kingdom and equipping saints for Kingdom-transformation of nations.

He is the author of Renaissance NOW! A Thought Leadership on Championing Socio-Economic Change (Masterbuilder, 2011)

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Weight 1.54 kg
Dimensions 28.8 × 17.0 × 7.5 cm


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