The Gifts of the Spirit


Title: The Gifts of the Spirit
Sub-Title: Understanding and Receiving God’s Supernatural Power in Your Life
Author: Derek Prince
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 11 August 2007
Pages: 253
Publisher: Whitaker House
ISBN: 9780883682913

List price in Singapore Dollars; Singapore GST included.

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The Powerful Gifts Available to You

Every believer has been given at least one supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit. Do you know which you have and how to operate in it?
Internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince explains that any believer who is not manifesting gifts of the Spirit is living far below the level of God’s provision for his life.

Prince reveals how to:

  • Minister to others through the gifts
  • Discern the counterfeit
  • Witness through spiritual gifts
  • Stir up the gift within you

One of our greatest necessities in the church today is to demonstrate through the power of the Spirit that Jesus is alive and that His gospel is true. The world needs to see the manifestation of the presence of God. Believers need the ministry of the body of Christ through spiritual gifts. The Gifts of the Spirit reveals how we can fulfill both of these needs—practically and powerfully.

About the Author

Bible scholar and spiritual patriarch, Derek Prince (1915–2003) was educated as a scholar of classical languages at Eton College and Cambridge University in England, and later at Hebrew University in Israel. While serving with the British army in World War II, he began to study the Bible as a philosophical work and, as a result, experienced a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Derek Prince taught and ministered on six continents for more than sixty years, imparting God’s revealed truth, praying for the sick, and sharing his prophetic insights. He is the author of more than eighty books, six hundred audio teachings, and one hundred video teachings, many of which have been translated and published in more than one hundred languages.

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Weight 0.37 kg
Dimensions 15.2 × 22.6 × 1.8 cm


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